Sunday, 25 February 2018

Be a better heeler with Tcm diagnosis

   ‎Tcm diagnosis 
   ‎Thorax​ ​and​ ​abdomen
- chest pain (Heart Blood Stasis due to Yang deficiency)
- chest pain with cough and copious yellow sputum (Lung Heat)
- hypochondriac distension (Liver Qi stagnation, if severe – Liver Blood Stasis)

- epigastric pain (food retention, Stomach Heat)
- dull epigastric pain (deficient Cold of Stomach)
- epigastric fullness (Spleen deficiency or Damp)
- low abdominal pain (internal Cold, Liver Qi stagnation, Liver Blood stagnation,
Damp/Heat, intestinal or uterine Blood Stasis)
- hypogastric pain (Damp/Heat in Bladder, or Liver Fire moving down to the Bladder)
Diet​ ​&​ ​appetite,​ ​&​ ​taste
- discomfort relieved by eating (deficiency), aggravated by eating (excess)
- no appetite (Spleen deficiency)
- always hungry (Stomach Heat)
- fullness and bloating after meals (food retention)
- prefer hot temperature foods (Cold)
- prefer cold temperature foods (Heat)

- bitter taste (Liver or Heart Heat)
- sweet taste (Spleen deficiency, or Damp/Heat)
- sour taste (food retention, or Liver Stomach disharmony)
- salty taste (Kidney Yin deficiency)
- lack of taste (Spleen deficiency)
- pungent taste (Lung Heat)

- sour vomit (Stomach insult Liver)
- bitter vomit (Liver Gallbladder Heat)
- clear watery (Stomach Cold with fluid retention)
- soon after eating (Heat)
For all diagnosis related post contect
Hr Deepak Raj simple
8083299134,7004782073(WhatsApp or call)

‎Face and mouth


 -red inner corners (Heart Fire)- red sclera (Lung Heat)

- yellow sclera (Damp/Heat)

- whole eye red painful swollen (Wind/Heat, or Liver Fire)

- pale white corners & lids (Blood deficiency)

- dark or swelling under the eye 'bags' (Kidney deficiency)


- green-blue (abdominal pain)

- yellow (Damp/Heat)

- white (Blood deficiency)

- red (Lung Spleen Heat)

- grey (impairment of water movement)

- dry tip (Stomach or Large Intestine Heat)

- dry black (Toxic Fire)

- clear discharge (Cold)

- yellow discharge (Heat)


- blue-black (pain)

- white (Cold)

- lobes dry withered black (Kidney deficiency – prognosis bad)

- lobes shiny and moist (prognosis good)

- lobes long and full (strong Kidneys)

- lobes thin and small (weak Kidneys)

- infection with pain (Fire in Shaoyang meridians)

Mouth​ ​&​ ​lips

- pale lips (Blood or Yang deficiency)

- red dry lips (Spleen Stomach Heat)

- purple-bluish lips (Blood Stasis)

- mouth always slightly open (deficiency)

- breathe through mouth (Lung Qi deficiency)

- green around mouth (Liver Blood Stasis, and Wood overact on Earth)

Teeth​ ​and​ ​gums

- dry teeth (Kidney Yin deficiency, or Yangming Heat)

- poor tooth development (Kidney deficiency)

- swollen painful gums with possible bleeding (Stomach Heat, if no pain deficiency Heat)

- pale gums (Blood deficiency)


- pain, redness, swelling (Wind/Heat, or Stomach Fire)

- sore and dry, not red and swollen

(Kidney Yin deficiency ,Heat)

Nails,limbs and skin

Nails​ ​and​ ​limbs

- pale nails (Blood deficiency)

- purple-blue (Liver Blood Stasis)

- dry lifeless skin around the wrists and ankles (body fluid deficiency)

- in children, the first joint on the index finger is the 'gate of wind', the second is the 'gate

of Qi', and the third is the 'gate of life'.

- after rubbing the finger towards the body…

- veins appear only beyond the 'gate of wind'

(mild, exterior invasion)

- veins appear beyond the 'gate of Qi'

(internal, more serious)

- veins appear beyond the 'gate of life'

(serious life threatening disease)

- blue veins (Cold)

- red veins (Heat)


- dry (Blood deficiency)

- itchiness (Wind)

- pitting edema (Kidney Yang deficiency)

- non-pitting edema (Qi stagnation)

- bright clear yellow Yang jaundice (Damp/Heat)

- dull yellow Yin jaundice (Damp/Cold)


Meridian​ ​diagnosis

The following symptoms are signs which apply only to the specific meridian, organ symptoms have been left out. In addition to the following clinical manifestations, any pain, heat or coldness, numbness, stiffness, knots, tingling, aches, redness, or any other sign along the course of a meridian is also an obvious meridian symptom.

Lungs​ (hand Taiyin) → External pathogenic invasion, accumulation of Lung heat: i.e.fever, aversion to cold, stuffiness of the chest, pain in the clavicle, shoulders & arms.

Large​ ​Intestine​ (hand Yangming) → Wind/cold/damp blockage, accumulation of heat:i.e. sore throat, toothache, epistaxis (nosebleed), runny nose, swollen & painful gums,swollen eyes

Stomach​ (foot Yangming) → External pathogenic invasion, Stomach heat rebelling: i.e.pain in the eyes, epistaxis (nosebleed), swelling of neck, facial paralysis, cold legs & feet

Spleen​ (foot Taiyin) → Wind/cold/damp, heat rebelling: i.e. vaginal discharge,weakness of the leg muscles, tongue stiffness/pain

Heart​ (hand Shaoyin) → Wind/cold/damp blockage, heat rebelling: i.e. pain in the eyes,pain on the inner side of the arm, pain along the scapula, eye jaundice, tongue ulcers,pythogenic infections

Small​ ​Intestine​ (hand Taiyang) → External pathogenic invasion, heat rebelling: i.e.pain &/or stiffness of the neck &/or elbow, red eyes, sore throat, mandible swelling, ear trouble.

 Bladder​ ​(foot​ ​Taiyang)​ → Wind/cold/damp blockage, heat rebelling: i.e. fever & aversion to cold, headache, stiff neck, pain in lower back &/or eyes, pain in the posterior leg, hard to bend, nosebleed, hemorrhoids.

Kidneys​ (foot Shaoyin) → Cold: i.e. pain in lower back &/or sole of foot

Pericardium​ (hand Jueyin) → Cold, heat, Liver Qi stagnation: i.e. stiff neck, contraction of elbow or hand, Bi and Wei syndromes, armpit swelling, hot palms, chest pain,shaking arms (anger)

San​ ​Jiao​ ​(hand Shaoyang) → Wind/cold/damp, heat: i.e. sore throat, scrofula, goiter,axillary swelling, pain in the elbow, alternation of chills & fever, deafness, pain & discharge from the ear, pain at the top of the shoulders.

Gallbladder​ (foot Shaoyang) → Cold stagnation, heat rebelling: i.e. alternation of chills &  fever, headache, deafness, pain in hip & lateral side of legs, pain & distension of breasts, difficult leg movements, 4th and 5th toe disorders, inner ear pain, migraine,bitter taste

Liver​ (foot Jueyin) → Cold stagnation, Wind Fire rebelling: i.e. headache, pain & swelling of the eye, leg cramps, pain in side of lower abdomen, hernia, one sided testicle pain radiating to low abdomen, dizziness, blurred vision, eyelid twitching, difficulty swallowing, facial deviation

- only on head (Stomach Heat, or Damp/Heat)
- on forehead, oily (Yang collapse)
- only on arms and legs (Spleen Stomach deficiency)
- only on hands (Lung deficiency, or nerves)
- whole body (Lung deficiency)
- 5 centers (Yin deficiency)
- daytime (Yang deficiency)
- night (Yin deficiency)
- profuse cold sweats (Yang collapse)
- oily sweat on forehead like pearls not following Yang collapse (danger of imminent
- oily (severe Yang deficiency)
- yellow (Damp/Heat)
- painful (Liver, or Heat)
- foul smell (Heat), no smell (Cold)
- chronic (Spleen and/or Kidney Yang deficiency)
- 5am (Kidney Yang deficiency)
- abdominal pain (Cold in intestines)
- with mucous (Damp), mucous and blood (Damp/Heat)
- undigested food (Spleen deficiency)
- burning sensation (Heat)
- bowel incontinence (Spleen Qi sinking)
- black tarry stools (blood stasis), if blood comes first (Damp/Heat in intestines)
- if blood comes first, is dirty, and anus feels heavy and painful (Heat in Blood)
- if stool comes first then blood that is thin and watery (Spleen can't keep blood in
- borborygmi with loose stool (Spleen deficiency)
- borborygmi without loose stool (Liver Qi stagnation)
- flatulence (Liver Qi stagnation)
- flatulence with smell (Damp/Heat in Spleen , or Stomach Heat), no smell (Spleen Yang
deficiency Cold)

- pain after movement (deficiency)
- pain relieved after movement (excess)
- acute with thirst, dry yellow tongue coat (Stomach and intestine Heat)
- old people or after childbirth (Blood deficiency)
- small bitty rabbit stools (Blood deficiency, Liver Qi stagnation, or Heat)
- difficult to move but not dry (Liver Qi stagnation)
- with abdominal pain (deficient Yang Cold)
- dry stools without thirst (Kidney and/or Stomach Yin deficiency)
- alternating constipation and diarrhea (Wood overact on Earth)
TCM​ ​diagnosis​ ​references

tinnitus​ ​ ​onset
- sudden (Liver Fire, or Liver Wind)
- gradual (Kidney deficiency)
- aggravated by pressing the ears (excess)
- relieved by pressing the ears (deficiency)
- loud high pitched like whistle, constant (Liver Yang, Liver Fire, or Liver Wind)
- low pitched, intermittent (Kidney deficiency)
- sudden onset (Liver Fire, or Liver Wind)
- gradual onset (deficiency)
- chronic (Kidney deficiency, Heart blood deficiency, deficiency of Qi of the upper Jiao,Yang( Qi deficiency)
- needle like pain with redness and headache (Toxic Fire in the Heart meridian)
- pain swelling and redness, (Wind/Heat, or Liver Fire)
- blurred vision and/or floaters (Liver Blood deficiency)
- photophobia (Liver Blood deficiency)
- eye pressure (Kidney Yin deficiency)
- dryness (Liver and/or Kidney Yin deficiency)

- can't get to sleep, but sleep well after falling to sleep (Heart Blood deficiency)
- light sleep, waking frequently (Kidney Yin deficiency)
- dream disturbed (Liver or Heart Fire)
- restless sleep with lots of dreams (food retention)
- wake very early in morning, can't get back to sleep (Gallbladder deficiency)
- sleepy after eating (Spleen deficiency)
- heaviness (Damp), if with dizziness (Phlegm)
- very fatigued with cold feelings (Kidney Yang deficiency)
- tired stupor with external heat (Heat invaded the Pericardium)
- tired stupor with rattling in throat, slippery pulse, sticky tongue coat (Phlegm misting
the mind)
   Urine function
- enuresis or incontinence (Kidney deficiency)
- retention of urine (Damp/Heat in Bladder)
- difficulty (Damp/Heat in Bladder, or Kidney deficiency)
- frequent copious (Kidney deficiency)
- frequent scanty (Qi deficiency)
- before urination (Low Jiao Qi stagnation)
- during urination (Bladder Heat)
- after urination (Qi deficiency)
- pale (Bladder or Kidney Cold)
- dark (Heat, or external pathogen has entered deeply)
- turbid or cloudy (Damp in Bladder)
- copious clear pale during exterior attack (pathogen has not entered deeply)
- copious (Kidney Yang deficiency)
- scanty (Kidney Yin deficiency)

 Tcm excess and deficiency
Difficiency Of
Qi,yin,yang,blood and essence .

Eccess of
Internal heat,internal cold ,internal damp, invension , stagnation . 

Difficiency of qi- general , spleen,stomach,lung, kidney, heat.

Difficiency of yin- general,kidney,liver,stomach,lung,heart.

Difficiency of yang- general, kidney,spleen, heart . 

Difficiency of blood - general, liver, heart.

Difficiency of essence.

Internal heat
Internal cold
Internal damp
(General ,spleen, damp and heat in liver and lung, damp and heat in large intestine, phelgm in lungs,phelgm and heat in the lungs, damp and cold in bladder,damp and heat in bladder)
Invension of wind
(General,wind heat,wind cold,wind damp)
Stagnation of blood

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